Friday, 8 June 2012

Calm Blue Ocean Part Four

Click here for a print friendly PDF.  Diagrams are better in the PDF.

Part Four

As always, remember scrappy is best! Use lots of different fabric choices when cutting.

Time for something new now!

From background fabric, cut (112) 2” x 3 ½” rectangles.


From coloured fabric, cut (224) 2” squares.

Piece the two inch squares together to make 112 units measuring 2” x 3 ½” and press.


Piece this unit to the background rectangle cut previously.

Press. This unit should now measure 3 ½” square. Continue with this method until you have made 112 of them. Put into a ziplock bag and mark with Unit Four.


Unit Four – Make 112

1 comment:

  1. Hello,

    In the PDF is a step more than on this side. Have I the step more to do or is it rong?? Please answer

    Greeting Guilitta
