Sunday 21 February 2016

A different type of hexagon

I spend an awful lot of time waiting.  Waiting for school pickups, waiting for netball trainings, waiting for ballet rehearsals.  

There is nothing better than sitting in a nice, quiet car, doing my handwork.  It's never a chore.  

I try hard to have at least one 'go to' project - the project that I can pick up and put down without much thought.  That project that doesn't take up much room.  

This is the current project.  I think I need about 400 hexies to make a decent sized crochet afghan.  I've made probably about fifty or sixty.  

My only problem with it is that it suddenly seems very dark.  Lots of black.  Perhaps I should have swapped the red and the blue around.  Too late now, though I'm sure I'll love it when it's done.

I do struggle in getting them all the same size, tension must be an issue.  All part of the learning curve, I guess.

I hope you've all had a lovely weekend, mine was lovely and restful, and I've already packed the school bags and laid out the school clothes for tomorrow.  

I am totally winning at adulting this week!

Thursday 18 February 2016

This is why I never have a clear UFO list

I've been making my log cabin quilt.

I cut way too many inch strips.

So I started something new.

It's so pretty!  Each nine patch is about 2 1/2" squares finished.  And it's lovely.

But the log cabin isn't finished.  

I keep starting new things.  I have a real problem.

Thursday 11 February 2016

A New Finish - The Mother

I've been slowly stitching for a change, and have managed a finish!

This is an old design we used to sell in the shop.  Sold many kits, we did.  I think the sentiment resonates with many of us.

I was going to offer it as a freebie but I can't find my original sketches.  If it does turn up, I'll post it on here.

If not, sorry about that - and I hope you enjoy the look.

See you next time!

Sunday 7 February 2016

Green and white nine patch - Sunday leftovers

It's no secret that I really didn't like Bonnie Hunter's Grand Illusion Quilt.  Not my style at all.  I stitched my own vague design up, which is okay and I'll show you over here:

I had all of these green/white segments left over.  I couldn't think of anything to do with them, and they sat there mocking me, a big fat waste of lovely, lovely greens.  

So I did a very boring thing and stitched them into a basic nine patch.

I know, I know.  It's boring.  But I can see the plain white squares heavily quilted in a wreath or circle design, and I think the simplicity will help in that.

At least it's done, off my table and not bugging me.

Hope your weekend is going well!  I'm feeling better, just a stupid dumb headcold that lingers and lingers.  Nothing too awful, just messy and annoying and it's making me Very Grumpy.  Which isn't pleasant for anyone around.

Anyhow.  Hopefully it'll pass soon!

See you next time!

Friday 5 February 2016

Scrap Jewel Box - Show and Tell

Hi lovely readers,

It's been a big week.  School's back, and with it all the chaos/organisation that it requires.  I don't mind - the girls have been very bored over the last few weeks and it's so tempting just to let them play their screens as much as they want (which in the case of the eldest is All. The. Time.  It's nice to have them back into a routine, as much as it's nice for me to ease my way back into a routine.

I managed to both acquire a head cold for the best part of this week, and also kill my email on my laptop.  It's very possible that one caused the other.  I don't work well with a head full of cotton wool.  The days are numbered for my little laptop, I fear.  It's a shame, I wish I was more techy and could fix things myself but I was never very good at technology and the older I get the worse it becomes!  

I do have my other trusty laptop, which to this day my girls have never used.  It's nice to have one unblemished thing!

I've been sewing a little bit, mostly the log cabin blocks.  Of course I miscalculated the blocks, as I said I would and so I have to make a few more, but with any luck by the end of the weekend I should have it together.  It's so enormous, I hope I haven't made a mistake making it so big.  We'll see, I guess.

So in the absence of nothing new to show you, here is another one of my flimsies:  It's a totally scrappy Jewel Box.  Lovely, simple block that works with whatever fabric you use.  I have so many scraps, I shall never run out of needing new designs to use them up.

This is a nice one.  I'd obviously aimed for darker fabrics more than lighter.  I can't remember if that was a choice of mine or happy coincidence, but it looks lovely in the end!

Hope your weekend is a quilty one!  See you soon!


Monday 1 February 2016

Log cabin coming along

I'm blogging via phone again while I wait for the first ballet class of the year to finish.  So forgive my editing (or lack of).

The log cabin is coming along fine.  I think I've made enough blocks but I've probably done my usual Suzie trick and made a pile too many.  

I hope your day is going well.  School goes back tomorrow!  Yay