I’m not sure if this is something I have shown you before or not – I can’t find the original post if I had. If only there was a feature on blogs where you could tag each post and be able to sort through them easily. Oh wait…
A long time ago I spent ages making a glorious reproduction log cabin in civil war fabrics. You all know how much I love thirties prints so I thought it might be a good idea to make a thirties version.
About ninety percent through the making of the quilt, I realised it was going to be a behemoth of a thing. It was too, too big. But I’d stitched it all together and I’d put that in the back of my mind. It was easier to forget how big it was rather than unpick it.
But when I laid it on the queen-sized bed I had designed it for, it was far, far too enormous. So I bit the bullet, unpicked the thing and restitched it into a more manageable size.
It’s still a monster, but it’s better. And it fits the bed with a lovely drape, so I am happy.
Of course, I now have a million leftover log cabin blocks. So I stitched those together also and I have now got a smaller version. Tadah!
It’s the perfect day today for bright, sunny fabrics. I really do love them with their lovely colours. I’m all about the colours at the moment.
Which is a bit of a conundrum really because I have many, many pieces of civil war fabrics, which at the moment really feel a bit drab.
Oh well. Perhaps in winter I’ll feel more like working on them. But for now, it’s colour, colour, colour!
Hope your weekend is going well. Mine is busy, busy, busy!