Wednesday, 14 January 2015

So much to do, I can't decide

I'm all over the place at the moment, I can't seem to find something to settle on.  I've been shuffling boxes around and I'm finding all sorts of stuff I didn't realise was in there.

Sometime last year, I decided that when I made half square triangles, I would use the method where you end up with smaller, spare half square triangles.  So I've been putting them aside and consequently I have a box filled with them. Should I make this up yet?  I'm sure I'll need a million more to make anything special.

And then I've found a whole stack of these left over from another quilt.  Four patches are more difficult for me to use than nine patches, so these are sitting there, waiting for me to have some sort of divine inspiration.  I'm thinking maybe a plain old Jacob's Ladder, it's been a million years since I made one of them.

This is my Quilting Night project.  I take my basket out to quilting once a fortnight and I manage to stitch maybe two or three hexies together.  At this rate, I shall be finished this project in 2084.  I shall reveal it then.

I don't even remember what I was going to make with these hexies.  Maybe a knitting bag?  Because Lord knows I have not got enough bags yet.

See, nine patches are much easier to use.  I've got this lovely little thing half made, and I'm thinking I'm going to do some applique around the outside.  There are so many lovely designs on the net that I may use as inspiration, but for now I think I'll put it back in the bag where it's been living for the most part of a year.

It really needs a good iron. But I've folded it away now and I'll press it when I start on it again.

Yeah, this was for a challenge in 2013.  Fairly sure I won't win that one.

Another chook shed design, all I have to do to this one is quilt it and bind it and wham, bam, thank you Ma'am, it's done.  I shall have to get onto that.

Finally, this lovely hand pieced one shall also be finished in about 2084, given that I make about one block a month.

The moral of the story?  Quit Starting New Stuff and Finish What You Have Going.

We shall see if I can live up to that this year.


  1. Why don't you throw a sashing on the 4 patches. I did that recently and blogged about it here:
    When you have done that and sewn it together, make a border for them with the triangles.
    If you hate it, give it to charity - someone somewhere will love it.
    BTW Love all your projects!

  2. Hi Dasha,

    Your quilt is lovely! My four patches are very small, so I'm thinking I might use them in the middle of a block, like Jacobs ladder or something.

    I'll sort something out....I just need some 'Suzie time' and I'll get settled.

    Thanks again

