And she has this wonderful bag:

28th October Update:
Okay guys, I’ve found the error.
It’s in step three. I’ve reversed the colours used. You’re supposed to have flying geese with yellow wings and a blue base, not the other way around.
I’m genuinely sorry for the error. I don’t know how it slipped through. I know it means you have a whole swag of flying geese in the wrong colour left over. Again, I’m so sorry. I hope you can use them on the back, or perhaps in another project. I’ve now updated all the instructions so hopefully the only ones you will need to reprint are the ones from Step Three.
How’d you go with parts one and two? Ready for a bit more sewing?
From blue fabrics, cut (196) 4 ½” x 2 ½” rectangles.
From yellow fabrics, cut (392) 2 ½” squares.
Make 196 flying geese using the following method:
Draw a light pencil line across the wrong side of the yellow fabric.
Lay over blue rectangle, right sides together.
Stitch on pencil line, and cut away excess. Fold back and press.
Repeat with another yellow square.
Trim and fold back, pressing into place.
When complete this unit should measure 2 ½” x 4 ½”.
Place in a ziplock bag and mark as Unit C. You should have 196 of these units.
Unit C – Make 196
That’s it! See you next week!
One of my daughters is seven and is in junior primary at the moment. Her class is filled with many lovely, little personalities.
Her teacher is very, very pregnant, and had her last day yesterday.
Have you noticed when it’s known you’re a quilter, people ask you to do things? It was my pleasure to be asked to help comprise a quilt for the lovely mother to be.
We had a vague plan – the other teachers organising it had no training in quilting at all, but they had the idea to have each child draw a picture on a square. The rest was up to me.
We handed the quilt over yesterday. There may have been tears. They may have been mine.
I found this fabulous binding fabric from Spotlight a year or so ago. It’s so perfect for this kind of project, I will have to try and source some more.
They all did rainbows. No one told them to do rainbows. But rainbows are lovely.
So there you have it. Picture heavy, but how could I cut some of those precious little pictures. I’m thinking that I may do a tutorial one of these days (please don’t hold your breath, it may never happen!), so we shall see. Not rocket science in any stretch, but I did do a couple of tricks which made the whole thing run very smoothly, and smoothly is what you’re aiming for with a class full of seven year olds.
I am about to go to bed now – my all day sewing day was a great success. Of course, I packed way more than I managed to do, but I had a lovely day filled with lovely friends, and that’s all you can hope for, really.
Hope your day was quilty!
She’s ten, and I’m waiting for the day when she decides she doesn’t like pastels any more. That’s going to be an expensive day, I think. Everything in her room is pastels.
Thankfully she’s still happy to let her mother choose the decor. Hopefully it won’t change too much in the near future, I do love her room in the colours that I’ve used.
How’s your week been?
28th October Update:
Okay guys, I’ve found the error.
It’s in step three. I’ve reversed the colours used. You’re supposed to have flying geese with yellow wings and a blue base, not the other way around.
I’m genuinely sorry for the error. I don’t know how it slipped through. I know it means you have a whole swag of flying geese in the wrong colour left over. Again, I’m so sorry. I hope you can use them on the back, or perhaps in another project. I’ve now updated all the instructions so hopefully the only ones you will need to reprint are the ones from Step Three.
Welcome to step two of my 2015 Mystery Quilt. Hopefully you are keeping up.
That last step was easy, wasn’t it?
This week’s step will be exactly the same, we’ll just be changing the colours.
From yellow fabric, cut (36) 4 ½” squares.
From blue fabric, cut (144) 2 ½” squares.
Draw a light pencil line across the wrong side of the blue fabric squares.
Lay this square, right sides together, over the corner of a yellow square.
Stitch on the drawn line, and trim excess away.
Repeat with remaining cream squares, until you have stitched all four sides.
Unit B – Make 36 blocks.
When complete, these blocks should measure 4 ½” square.
Place in a ziplock bag and label as Unit B.
That’s it! See you next week!
28th October Update:
Okay guys, I’ve found the error.
It’s in step three. I’ve reversed the colours used. You’re supposed to have flying geese with yellow wings and a blue base, not the other way around.
I’m genuinely sorry for the error. I don’t know how it slipped through. I know it means you have a whole swag of flying geese in the wrong colour left over. Again, I’m so sorry. I hope you can use them on the back, or perhaps in another project. I’ve now updated all the instructions so hopefully the only ones you will need to reprint are the ones from Step Three.
Okay. Are you ready? This part is easy. Trust me.
I’m just going to assume you’re making the two colour quilt for the sake of brevity – if you’re making a scrappy quilt, just substitute random colours when I use the blue or yellow, and still keep your creams as they are.
From Cream fabric, cut (196) 2 ½” squares
From Yellow fabric, cut (49) 4 ½” squares
Draw a light pencil line on the wrong side of the cream squares as shown:
Lay this square, right sides together, over the corner of a yellow square. Stitch on the drawn line, and trim excess away.
Repeat with remaining cream squares, until you have stitched all four sides.
Unit A – Make 49 blocks.
When complete, these blocks should measure 4 ½” square.
Place in a ziplock bag and label as Unit A.
That’s it! See you next week!