How easy it is to just stop doing something.
I had grand visions of writing every day, which worked well while we were on isolation, but now with things relatively (I say that so very hesitantly) back to normal in my world I keep forgetting.
I don't know where my hours go, I really don't. What I do know is that some days I don't even turn the lap top on, and that is really rather freeing.
So here in South Australia, we are slowly but surely continuing to let more things happen. The girls have been back at school since term two started, which is almost a month now I think. There were letters coming home saying 'We support you if you want to keep your children home' but the tone has changed now, and all South Australian children, unless showing signs of illness, are now expected back each day.
My husband is back at his job, and mostly I am home alone. Which I don't mind really if I'm honest. All I seemed to do was cook and wash clothes - and as we weren't going ANYWHERE I don't know where they were wearing all these clothes?
I've been sewing small amounts of my day, and I'll post them more often as I try and get back to my daily blogging challenge. But for now, I thought you might like to see where my grandmother went to school, ninety years ago. We live in a dryland farming area, and there were little schools dotted everywhere throughout the region. This was one of them.

It's fallen down completely now, which is understandable and a bit sad, but to be honest it's a lot more upright than some of these other schools where there is only a plaque commemorating the site. As we were picking our way through the area, which is filled with broken cars and a whole lot of junk I didn't photograph, some ancient old lady from who knows where bailed my husband up, telling him we were trespassing. There is literally nothing there for miles apart from the old school site and a church up the road and she scared us by appearing by what seemed out of nowhere. She was very cross, but he did his usual old lady charmer thing (he's very good at that) and by the end of the conversation she was a font of knowledge. Turns out she lives in the church, and this was her land. So we exited gracefully.
Here in country SA there are many little sites like this, where the church and the schoolhouse were built relatively close together. A lot of the churches have become places to renovate and live in - I'm fairly sure she was well past renovating the church, but one day I suspect someone will do it up.
But the school is past repair, I think.
That's my history lesson for you today. If I could spend all my days researching history I would be. When I'm not sewing, of course.
Talk to you soon!