I seem to begin these posts with ‘I’m sorry I’ve been gone so long’, so let’s just assume as much and get on with it.
Life is well and truly kicking my butt in the time department and I do not know how other women do it all. Bugger these houses that want cleaning and children that want feeding…Makes mum a very busy girl. But it’s all good busy and I know one day I’ll be wandering round an empty house with no little people to drive here and there, and that will make me sad. So it’s good busy!
For those of you who know where I live (country SA – fruit-growing/grain-growing region), you would be aware that we have had no rain AT ALL for about four months. Things are quickly becoming dire, the farmers have dry seeded (planted their seeds before the rain with their fingers crossed) and are patiently waiting for something – anything! to fall from the sky.
But it’s eternal sunshine here.
May is the best month around my area (which is why I got married in May) with shows like these all around:

(photo above and below not mine – credit here: https://gswatty.smugmug.com)

My camera doesn’t do the leaves justice – it’s all so orange and red and yellow and I see quilt after quilt in my head.
I just need the time!
I hope you’re all doing well, keeping warm if you need to, cool if you don’t!. And I’ll see you soon!