I know, I know. One day turned into one week and that week turned into a month and suddenly I’ve been gone a long time.
It wasn’t that I didn’t have anything to say – but life gets in the way of blogging and I will say one thing about my life, it sure is busy!
I’ll get back into the blogging swing, I promise. There’s been a lot happening behind the scenes that I’d love to share with you once I sit down and process my photos, my thoughts.
But for now, I thought I might share some photos of my weekend. It was International Quilting Day here in Australia (probably was world wide too, I guess!) and we made the trip to a nearby town to celebrate the day with 260 other creative and clever people. My photos of the day didn’t turn out fantastically, I found it hard to get near the stage to take close-ups. But there was a guest tutor and I did manage to get very close to her samples and I’m delighted to share them with you.
Her name was Caroline Sharkey and you can find her website here:
and here work was just lovely. Have a look for yourself:

She then went on to teach a class the next day which I didn’t go to, but having seen all these lovely quilts, I really wish I did!
We had a lovely day, filled with chatter, shopping and quilting – the three best things! Our group is holding the day next year, so we took lots from it in terms of what we need to try and do to make the day as successful as Saturday’s.
Now I’m off to baste a quilt. I’m actually going to try and machine quilt something. I’ve got lazy lately, having a long arm quilter in the family. I figure I need to ‘use it or lose it’ in regards to machine quilting. Wish me luck!