I have a finish to show you.

About a thousand years ago, I started a Faceted Jewels quilt. I’d always loved the design.

It’s finally, finally a top now. I don’t want to begin adding up the amount of pieces in the thing. But there are many.

It’s not that big really – it finishes about 78” square.

It really was a bugger of a thing, excuse my French. It was all going along swimmingly, and I cut all the pieces out. The fancy triangles, (I don’t know their proper name, but it’s the ones on the four centres of the block) I cut them out using my brand new Accuquilt cutter.

Well, I cut the whole lot out. Thousands (or so it seemed) of little pieces. However, when I went to sew them, they didn’t sew up right. Every single one was smaller than it should have been. I put the thing away in disgust, knowing I should probably recut them. But all that fabric – I just didn’t know what to do about the whole mess.

When I needed a project for our all day Sewing Day just gone, I pulled this quilt out. I’d decided just to finish it as best I could, matching seams or no matching seams, and call it done. So I sewed all day Saturday, lots of Sunday and some of Monday. And I can finally call it done.

And it’s not half bad, when you look at it this way.
I have this dilemma all the time. I try my hardest to get the technique perfect, and early into the design I find it’s actually harder than I thought, or my skills are not good enough to pull it off yet, and I put the design away in anger. But that doesn’t achieve anything, really. I’m pleased with myself that I finished this one off, and whilst it won’t win any quilting prizes, it’s not actually that bad!
Which is not to say I don’t think I should try my hardest – I do really want to be a better quilter. But this one will be quilted up and its bright cheery colours will make me happy, and that’s really all that should matter. I’d love to be the sort of quilter who wins prizes, who aims at the start of the quilt to win prizes. But I don’t have the stamina for that, at least right now. I just enjoy the process, and if I can get gradually better each quilt I make, then that’s a positive thing.
That’s my thought for the day. Hope you enjoyed my little show and tell.
Happy Quilting!