Things You'll Find

Wednesday 2 January 2019

Home again, home again

Hi lovely readers,

Day two of the new Suzie.  Two posts in two days!  My goodness me.

We had a lovely time away – we went to Coff’s Harbour, which was three full days driving from here.  We were going to drive originally, but my other (better?) half put his foot down and decided hang the expense, we were going to fly.  I’ll actively do anything to get OUT of flying but I was outvoted and so we all went. 

And the plane didn’t fall out of the sky and we slept in our own beds after three hours of flying, rather than twenty hours of driving, so I guess they were right to choose that option.  But my goodness, airflight domestically in Australia is amazingly dear, especially at Christmas.

So you want photos?  Of course you do.

Photo 28-12-18, 8 25 49 pm

View from our apartment in Adelaide the night before.  Adelaide is a slower city – just the way I like it.  It’s surrounded by parklands which you can just see in the right hand side of the picture.  The big buildings on the left are part of our brand new Royal Adelaide Hospital, which at the time of building was the world’s most expensive new building.  Thankfully I've yet to use the facilities, but to be honest I’ve not heard the best things about it.  As always, nurses, doctors and staff = excellent.  Bureaucracy and red tape = not so good.

Photo 28-12-18, 8 54 46 pm

A view from another window overlooking Adelaide’s oldest church – takes up prime real estate for its buildings and its carpark and is totally overshadowed by sky scrapers but I love it for that.

Photo 30-12-18, 11 38 47 am

Photo 30-12-18, 12 48 58 pm

Photo 30-12-18, 12 48 52 pm

We drove through some smaller towns surrounding Coff’s Harbour on one of our days and found the most amazing mosaics.  Photos don’t do them justice, but look at the work on them.  All I could think was how amazing those would be as quilts!

Photo 30-12-18, 1 40 09 pmPhoto 30-12-18, 1 40 16 pmPhoto 30-12-18, 1 40 42 pm

Photo 30-12-18, 1 41 14 pm

Photo 30-12-18, 1 47 20 pm

Photo 30-12-18, 1 47 48 pm

Photo 30-12-18, 1 53 19 pm

Photo 30-12-18, 1 53 23 pm

Photo 30-12-18, 1 53 25 pm

Photo 30-12-18, 1 54 52 pm

Coff’s Harbour is up near the border of New South Wales and Queensland, and is rainforest country.  With our home town suffering through 46 degree days, it was lovely to walk through a cool, calming environment after what was a particularly hot, stressful, busy Christmas period.  Good for the soul.

Today I have to get back into my ‘work’ mode, and get some jobs done that I’ve neglected over the Christmas period but this afternoon I really hope to get stuck into my sewing room – that is VERY neglected at the moment.

Hope you all had a truly lovely Christmas/New Year’s break – and it was all you hoped.  See you soon!


  1. Glad you had a break, even if you had to fly. Beautiful photos, what did you use to take them??

    1. Hi Jude, thankyou for that! I brought myself a new Iphone before Christmas (it's an 8plus) and I just used that. It's quite unwieldy in size (didn't think of that when I brought it) but the photos turn out lovely.
