Things You'll Find

Thursday 3 January 2019

Stitching–Lucy Boston

Hi lovely readers,

As part of my ‘finish it all’ push for this year, I spent a large amount of time kitting up all my Lucy Boston blocks so that I could make them more portable and actually get them done.

I took a few away to Coff’s with me and managed to stitch them!  So yay me!

I played around a bit with the colour choices before I left:

Photo 26-12-18, 6 34 11 pm

Photo 26-12-18, 6 35 43 pm

I was going stitch them in a particular order, but when it came to actually sewing this one, I was on a plane and it was a bit jiggly, so I just grabbed a colour and went for it.

Photo 3-1-19, 10 06 31 am

It’s the first choice, not the second one and I wish I had gone for the second one.  I have an issue with putting two colours the same on the outer edges – please don’t think I’m a lunatic but all I can see is (ahem….) male appendages when I do that.  But I’m not unpicking it.

It’s certainly not my best work and I’m hoping that when the papers come out it’ll be less woofy but I had taken two magic pills to help me fly, so it’s probably better than I should have hoped for.

Going to be 41 degrees today.  I have a lunch date, so I best get moving.  But once I get home from that, I’m not going out again!

Have a great day!

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