Things You'll Find

Monday 31 December 2018

As Another Year Closes

Hello, my lovely readers.

It's been a big year, hasn't it?  Whilst I've not managed to fulfill one of my personal goals in 2018 of trying to post daily to my blog, I did manage to fulfill another - not putting myself too much under pressure, or at least not feeling guilty when my goals weren't met.

As I said, It's been a year, hasn't it?  My kids have continued to grow up, my first baby is about to start year nine of high school, my youngest baby is about to start her second to last year of primary school, and I am again wondering where those years have gone.  They were just babies yesterday.

We had massive drought in our area when rain was desperately needed, and then when rain was the last thing anyone could deal with, it wouldn't stop.  

We've had fruit fly, we've had losses of dear friends.  

We've had lunatic politicians.  

But we've had babies.  We've had weddings, we've had shared times with lovely family.

As this is posted, I am on my way home from celebrating a special birthday with lovely family in another state.  I'm flying home, and oh my gosh I hate to fly.  So wish me luck.  

It is my big hope that next year, 2019, I WILL get my act together.  I'm aiming to post more, exercise more, enjoy more.  Eat less, drink less, spend less.  

We shall see.

I'll leave you with a lovely picture my daughter took, which seems apt for this time of year.

See you on the flipside!


  1. Happy New Year! Your goals for the new year sound very similar to mine. Good luck to us both! haha May it be happy, healthy and full of good cheer!

    1. Thanks so much, Jean! I'm actively trying NOT to make plans at least for January apart from sewing and blogging. It's hard but I'm trying!!
