Things You'll Find

Saturday, 25 April 2020

116 - Anzac Day Crochet Poppies

Our town, like many other small towns, has a Cross of Remembrance in the middle of a park.  In our case, it's in the middle of the street.

Each year we have a growing number attend the Anzac Day Parade and Service.  It's lovely really, for a long time I don't think soldiers received the recognition they deserved, but as time goes on, more and more people seem to attend.

We did the whole 'red poppy' thing that everyone else did around the 100 year anniversary, and now they bring them out for each service.  I know it's meant to be a somber day, but seeing those lovely flowers really is uplifting, in a weird way.

Our school makes a big deal of including the children, which I think is awesome because when I was growing up, we never were really involved.  Having the kids in the thick of it is a great way of getting them to know what the wars were all about.  Like all small towns, we lost quite a few young men in the various wars.  It's good they should know and remember them.

There weren't any any parades or dawn services this year.  We were all supposed to get up at dawn and stand in our driveways honoring our veterans.  I'm not sure what that will accomplish.  I'll just donate to the RSL instead.  I always buy a poppy, I'll just do it online this year.

Hope you're having a lovely day, 

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