Things You'll Find

Friday, 24 April 2020

115 Lucy Boston Final Straights.....

This block doesn't show as well as it does in real life.  But it's glorious and chocolate brown and I love it very much.

It's the weekend tomorrow.  What shall I do?  Shall I do the same as the rest of the week?  Why bother with a weekend, it's all the sammmmmmeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.

On other news, we're sending the kids back to school on Monday.  Our schools in South Australia (and most of Australia) have stayed open, though with the option to keep the kids home if you wanted.  Most people kept their kids home for the two weeks before school holidays, so most kids (including ours) have been self isolating at least a month.  

Our SA Health organisation has sent information out that's it's okay to send your kids to school if you want.  So, off the back of that, and of trusting the authorities to do what they think is right, and trusting that we've got a handle thus far on this virus thing here in South Australia, we are sending them.

It's agonising trying to make a decision though.  I'm not one to blindly follow authority, but I do recognise that people way smarter than me, and more trained than me, and with more information than me, are making these decisions, and not doing it lightly.  So that's what's happening.  

The kids are giddy with excitement, even Miss Fifteen who has been known to drag her feet to go to school in the mornings.  It's lovely really.  They are missing out on such a lot this year.

Anyway.  Have a lovely day, won't you?

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