Things You'll Find

Saturday 21 July 2018

Ayres House–the Age Of Elegance

Ready for some more travels around Adelaide?

Part of our trip involved visiting Ayres House, which you can read about here.

Long story short, it’s one of the oldest remaining houses in Adelaide, and it’s in prime position on North Terrace.  It’s been meticulously restored and now is a museum/wedding venue. 

They had a display on called ‘The Age Of Elegance’, lots of amazing Edwardian/Victorian clothing to see.  The girls and I thought it was fabulous, the husband tagged along without complaint, though I’m sure he had better places to be!

Enjoy the photos!

Photo 17-7-18, 11 49 23 am

When visiting these amazing places, it’s important to always look up!  This is the ceiling.  There is definitely a quilt of some description there to be made.  I spend so much time looking at the ceiling.

Photo 17-7-18, 11 49 29 am

I know these ladies wore corsets but even so – these waists are tiny.

Photo 17-7-18, 11 49 36 am

I seriously don’t know how they managed to fit themselves into these dresses, and I must tell you I’ll a little jealous.

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This is the ten year old next to a model who seems tiny – I asked if they were children’s dresses and was told no, they just were smaller then.  Amazing really.

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Look up look up look up

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Just so lovely, don’t you think?  I wish we spent time on the ‘pretty’ now like they did then.

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Both my girls asked (dead seriously) ‘What was wrong with her butt?’!

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The Victorian Wedding Dress.  Again, she’s small and there’s not too much in the way of frilliness for a wedding dress.

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This one was my favourite dress in my favourite room – the Tea Room.  All the following ones are so pretty, don’t you think?

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The ceiling in the Tea Room.  So delicate and pretty.

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Photo 17-7-18, 11 59 32 am

My husband’s family legend states that a relative (Great something grandfather) was the carpenter who built the staircase.  If so, he did a remarkable job!

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Photo 17-7-18, 12 00 34 pm

Embroidered screen, my photos really didn’t do it justice.


I stole this photo from their website, showing how it’s set up for a wedding.  I went to a wedding once but it wasn’t in this room.   I expect this room would be the expensive room to hire.


One last look at the amazing ceiling.  Watch this space for a quilt.  (who am I kidding?)

1 comment:

  1. Oh my goodness-those ceilings. And, those dresses. Thanks for sharing this tour. mary
