Things You'll Find

Thursday 19 July 2018

Adelaide trip–some architectural shots

I posted yesterday about our trip away to the city for a couple of days.  It was bitterly cold, and raining.  Just typical really, it hasn’t rained for so long, it chooses to rain when I’m out in the elements AND didn’t make it up to our way at all.  So lots of city buildings got wet and the rest of us suffered!

But I did get to wander around a little bit of what I’ve found is called the North West corner of Adelaide CBD.

If you know Adelaide, you’ll be aware that the inner square has four roads (called North Terrace, East Terrace, South Terrace and West Terrace – original, yes?) and that inner square is divided up into a criss cross of smaller roads, back lanes, street art, little nooks and crannies and it’s great fun to walk around.  Which is exactly what we did. 

Photo 16-7-18, 4 01 34 pm

This is Beehive Corner, home of Haigh’s chocolates.  It’s famous.  It stands on the corner of Rundle Mall, which is (obviously) the main mall. 

Photo 16-7-18, 5 27 12 pm

I don’t get to Adelaide much at the moment and I noticed a real upswing in how much streetart there was.  And good stuff, not graffiti

Photo 16-7-18, 5 27 15 pm

Photo 16-7-18, 7 05 03 pm

Photo 16-7-18, 7 05 11 pm

This was just in a dead end alley.  I love it when people do their art for art’s sake, not because it needs a function.

Photo 16-7-18, 7 17 05 pm

Earliest church in Adelaide, perhaps even South Australia.  Smacked right in the middle of prime real estate.  Heritage listed so they can’t pull it down, which I think is great as Adelaide seems to be in the middle of building big fat ugly buildings everywhere.

Photo 16-7-18, 7 17 57 pm

A few sets of relatives have been married in this church, I think.  I’m not sure if this is the original building or not, I should do my research, shouldn’t I?

Photo 16-7-18, 7 22 39 pm

The doorway to the Playford Hotel in North Terrace.  Gorgeous Art Deco sculpture thingie at the entranceway.  So pretty.  The Playford name is a big one in South Australia.

Photo 17-7-18, 10 28 26 am

And here we are at my favourite place in Adelaide, found completely by accident on a previous trip.  The Ah. Maz. Ing Mortlock Library.  I’ll just show you some photos.

Photo 17-7-18, 10 38 03 am

Photo 17-7-18, 10 38 39 am

Photo 17-7-18, 10 39 19 am

Photo 17-7-18, 10 39 57 am

Photo 17-7-18, 10 40 06 am

Photo 17-7-18, 10 45 27 am

Photo 17-7-18, 10 45 33 am

Favourite place in Adelaide, hands down. 

Photo 17-7-18, 11 18 52 am

While having a coffee in the library kiosk waiting for the rain to stop, we found this building – I’m not sure what it is but it doesn’t get foot traffic much as it is a the back of everything, but it was so lovely I had to take a photo.  I think it’s used for storage now, but so pretty.

Photo 17-7-18, 11 37 01 am

How dreadful, I’ve forgotten what this building was.  Along North Terrace there is the museum, the art gallery, building after building of the University, the Library – so many glorious buildings.  And then one dirty great big steel thing, the new Royal Adelaide Hospital which – well, let’s just say I’m not really a fan.  But it’s a statement building at least, so it has got that going for it.

Photo 17-7-18, 11 37 05 am

Okay so I’ve done my research and it’s a part of the University buildings – the statue above is outside and is of Sir Walter Watson Hughes, an early benefactor of the Uni.  He must have been something pretty special to have warranted such a statue.

Photo 17-7-18, 11 40 48 am

The final building today is the Freemason’s.  It’s MASSIVE.  I wonder of the history inside.  I did see that they gave tours, but our time was so limited.  I’ve found so many wonderful tours on offer if you are in the right place at the right time, I just need to be able to be there then.

Hope you’ve enjoyed my trip down North Terrace, I’ll hopefully sew tomorrow and have more to show you.

Happy Quilting!


  1. Love seeing the buildings.......

    1. There are so many little buildings but I need a whole week and no hangers on 'stop taking photos of buildings mum and lets go shopping', if you know what I mean!

  2. I do so enjoy your travelogues! Thank you for all the pictures. And, since I am in the opposite hemisphere, I enjoy seeing folks with jackets on - reminds me that this oppressive heat will eventually end. Greetings from 90-degree (F) Maryland.

    1. oh my gosh, it was BITTER and WET. But all too soon it will be over 40 (C) and I'll be complaining about that!

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.
