Things You'll Find

Wednesday 2 May 2012

Oh Dear Jane



Back when I was young and silly, I had enough money not only to buy the Electric Quilt Software, but also the Dear Jane accompanying software. 

Because I had sooooo much time and those little blocks could not possibly be that hard – five inch blocks couldn’t possibly be so bad – I set myself a target of one block a day, so that it would be done in a year.

And of course, I would hand quilt it because only a lazy person machine quilts.  Right?  And given that I’d work on it every day, that too would be done in a few months.  Right?


This is how that went.   And let’s be clear.  I started this well over eighteen months ago.


I got busy.  I built a house.  I had children.  But I must admit, it isn’t fair to blame the kids and all the things a busy life encompasses for my lack of progress on Dear Jane.  It’s damn hard.  It should be called Damn Jane.  That one little block took me   ALL.  DAY.   LONG.

All Day Long.

I was having a clean out of my computer desk and found the software for the Dear Jane which I hadn’t loaded onto my laptop yet.  So I’ve done that now, and I hope that it provides the spur for me to get my act into gear and do more.  I’ve more reproduction fabric than anyone has a right to, so I’m aiming for one a week.  Nothing silly like one a day.  One a week.  You guys will keep me in line, won’t you?


Till tomorrow,



  1. One a week seems doable. :)
    I will come by to see how its going... and coz I find your posts funny and entertaining. Good luck! :)

  2. Yep....sure we'll keep you in line...Go for it and we'll cheer you on as you "Damn" Jane quilt progresses. :0)

  3. Oh, you start also now.
    Next week i will sew my first block, i have sewn the first on Jane Stickl birthday on 8. of April.
    And my deadline will be 2017 on her 200. birthday.
    Happy sewing, i will look for your progress too.
    Greetings from Germany


  4. Thanks so much for your comments...I will definitely try and have my quilt finished by 2017!

    Damn Jane sounds like a name that is going to stick, somehow!


  5. Hello, may I ask please where you got the plan from? is it easy to find?

  6. Hello, may I ask please where you got the plan from? is it easy to find?

  7. Hi Jacqui. Do you mean the chart?
