Things You'll Find

Wednesday 2 May 2012


I’m sorry, I’m such a bad blogger.  I do try to write daily.  Really I do.

I have decided that I am possibly the most disorganised person I know.  I do (seriously) have dreams at night about having an organised house, an organised mind.  Other women dream of Brad Pitt or George Clooney, I dream of a house that is clean and tidy and everything in its place.

It doesn’t help that May is quite possibly the worst (best??) month around here for busy times.  Much worse than Christmas.  I have a husband who has a birthday in May.  So we figured it would be spectacularly clever of us to get married in May.  Then, just to spite us, our second daughter was born on our wedding anniversary. 

So in May, I get a wedding anniversary and two birthdays. 

Husband gets it worse than me.  He has Mother’s Day thrown in there too!  But then I’m the one who does the whole ‘Dear Mother-In-Law, let’s pretend that your loving son lovingly chose your mother’s day present for you and wrapped it and wrote in your card’ so I guess you could add that job to my list.

Plus I do have my own mother also.  So May is a busy, busy, EXPENSIVE time for our little family.  Not that I would really have it any other way.  What a terribly problem to have – too many relatives to shower presents on.  But all these little anniversaries happen in the same week, the same stretch of seven days.  We are a busy little family right now.

IBut  haven’t been idle while I’ve been away – I did this:

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which I didn’t realise until about two minutes ago that the red hourglass shapes are totally around the wrong way and I’ll have to unpick it.  That’s a job for later on this afternoon.

I also did this:

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and this:

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and this:

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and this:

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in a class that we held at our quilting group.  I’ve never dyed fabric before but I think I would safely say that I could well be hooked!  I need to tone it all down a bit, the last three of each colour are so alike that I needn’t have bothered, but I’d like some more lighter variances.  The pink isn’t quite so shockingly bright as it looks online, but it’s fairly out there. 

I might do a photo step by step post to show you how I did it, if I have time soon.  It was the most excellent fun!

And finally.  I’ve been stitching loads of leftover hexies together ‘for a quilt’.  I finally realised that I don’t have to make full size quilts ALL the time, so I think that this:

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will be used to cover this:

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which if you can’t read the numbers, is my 2012 diary.  Which I was supposed to have covered before the start of 2012.  And seeing that it’s May already, I think I’m a little behind!

Another job for today.  Hopefully.

One last thing – Bountiful Bouquet Month Eight is coming tomorrow!  I promise!

Off to get my photo taken for my new license photo now.  This one will last me till I turn 52.  FIFTY TWO!  Do you ever think how did I get to be this age?  I feel eighteen inside still?  Or is that just me?

Till tomorrow, lovely readers,


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