Things You'll Find

Sunday, 3 May 2020

124 How I Spent My Sunday

I was having a lazy start to this morning and I said to my husband "Am I a bad person if I am missing absolutely *nothing* from my commitments list?".  All those things I do, volunteering, running around after children, etc etc.  All those things that got stopped when the virus took over - I am not missing any of them.  

He didn't think I was a bad person.  I think he's enjoying the plus sides too.

I think this shut down thing has really crystalised what I want to be doing with my time.  A lot of it I have to do (running kids around, and I don't mind this as I know it'll have an end date).  A lot of it I don't have to do, and it's been hanging around my neck heavily.  

So I've started to remove myself from some places that I don't need to be.  Still a lot to go, but I'm getting there.  I feel so guilty!

Today I spent time working on a large UFO that is seeming to take such a long time.  But it's getting there.

How has your day been?  Our state has now released playgrounds from lockdown.  I spent so many hours at playgrounds with my little ones, seems like an age ago.  Truth be told, I didn't love playgrounds.  But you do these things to keep them happy and when we had the shop, a daily trip to the playground before lunch and a nap (for the babies, not me!) was a constant thing.  I would have hated to have had to deprive my little ones for all that time.

So each week we are allowed a little more back.  Soon they are talking about allowing us sport.  I don't think it'll be for a few weeks though, which is fine with me because I'll then have to do the all day netball mother thing (and I enjoy that even more than I do playgrounds!).

Till tomorrow!

1 comment:

  1. I'm hearing every word you are saying, and nodding my head with you.
