Things You'll Find

Saturday, 18 April 2020

109 A stroll around the garden

Hello lovely readers,

The weather is starting to turn colder now, as we are now halfway through Autumn.  The leaves are starting to change colour and fall, and I'm trying to take notice of it rather than letting it go by without a thought.  

We don't have many trees in our front yard, we have this one, and a baby jacaranda that one day will be enormous.  But this one is giving us its yearly show.

The protea is finally flowering again.  The first year or two we thought we were so clever, it gave us wonderful flowers and then they got to a certain stage and wouldn't open up, but look at it now!  It's flowering everywhere and I think all of these will bloom properly.  

I just love them.  I love everything about them and the way they look, on the bush, in a vase.  The whole lot.  Maybe I should do a quilt block about them.

The red hot poker that we got from my Nanna's garden is looking a bit straggly, but still rewards us year after year with colour.  

And speaking of my Nanna, years before she died, when my eldest girl was a little person, she used to pick her up on her gopher (mobility scooter) and take her grocery shopping for a half an hour.  They had these gerberas for sale and she, on a whim, bought one for my daughter.  Nanna didn't do things like that, she had 20 or so great grand kids and was always trying to be fair.  It wouldn't be fair to buy one a present and not the other.  But obviously my eldest took a fancy to this flower and so it came home with us.

It's probably ten years old now, and hasn't been repotted, but every year we get one glorious, strong and healthy gerbera flower to remind us of Nanna.  As if we'd forget. 

The roses are in full bloom again.  So much colour, I must pick some for inside.  Maybe tomorrow morning.  

The ornamental plum is slowly shedding its leaves, but soonish it'll dump them all over a couple of days and that will mean lots of raking.  Husband is quite lawn proud and he likes the leaves off, so that's the girls' job while they are in lockdown.  Much to their disgust.

And whatever this glorious shrub is, it has been flowering non stop for weeks now.  So much colour, it's lovely!

So that's it for today.  I got the instructions for the mystery quilt so now I know what it looks like, and I can stitch that tomorrow if I have time.  I spent today houseworking, and tomorrow will be a washing day.  So nothing creative to show you yet.

Hope you have a lovely weekend!

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