Things You'll Find

Tuesday, 28 January 2020

028 A Finish to show you - Water Lillies

You may remember my class with Rachelle Denenny where I worked on a wallhanging featuring lots of new (to me) techniques.

I'm pleased to say that three and a half years (how is it that long??) later, I have finished!

There's loads wrong with it, and I have since learned a better way to do machine quilting (at least a better way for me), but I'm pleased with how it worked.

I took that photo up against our cacky coloured pin up board at quilting.  Hence the yellow behind it.

Maybe that's a better one.

I even faced it myself, despite never having faced anything before.  Who knew it was so easy!

First day back at school for child one.  She's not overly enthusiastic.  Child two goes back tomorrow and whilst I always love having them home, the house is just beyond help and needs me to get back into some sort of a routine.  So that's my plan!

Hope your day is going well, talk soon!


  1. This is gorgeous! I love the effect - is that tulle/net/organza on the bottom half? Good on you with the finish :-) PS I see you've managed a blogpost a day this month - well done! (I did it in December - whew, what a marathon but I did enjoy it!)

    1. Thanks Raewyn! Yes, it's bright purple tulle which was the last one we tried because - bright purple! But it worked a treat. The colours of the photo don't really show as true, but it still looks pretty good, and at least it's finished!

      Thanks for noticing I'm posting more regularly, I'm trying very, very hard! And at the end of January I've already done more posts than all of last year!
