Things You'll Find

Thursday, 1 January 2015

Seeya later 2014, bring on 2015!

It’s been a hectic time here in our little house, but it’s been filled with friends and family and laughter.  So who can complain about that?  Certainly not me, though I’m glad my cooking for large numbers responsibilities are over.  Bring on leftovers!

We had a lovely Christmas – the girls were delightful and our family all feasted here this year.  The pool was used, the slip and slide that Father Christmas gave the girls got a great workout, especially by 40 year old men who had more than a little beer, and various teenaged cousins.  Much fun was had by all.

Last night, New Year’s Eve was a smaller affair with steak and salad being the choice of meal, but I must say I did fairly okay with the cooking of the steak, despite pressure from the men of the evening who thought they should be cooking it on the barbie.

And now the rush is over, today promises to be a Suzie day.  I’ve already told the various members of this household that I don’t intend to do anything that isn’t Sewing Related for a few hours, as it’s been so long since I’ve had time in my sewing room.  I actually feel a little jittery, must be withdrawal symptoms.

Usually at this time of year I feel a great need to write down all the UFO’s in my cupboard and decide which one I need to get a start on.  But I’ve been diligent about updating my UFO book (yes, my list is so long I need a notebook!) throughout the year and that’s a job I don’t need to do.  Yes, there are many, many UFO’s still on there, most of them overflowing from previous years.

Sadly, I didn’t get to finish half of what I wanted to in 2014.  But I’m not going to beat myself up about it – it’s about the pleasure I get from the stitching, not the finishing (although finishing something does feel pretty darn good).

More for interest’s sake rather than anything else, I thought I might share with you my 2014 finishes as I recall them.  There were smaller, undocumented finishes along the way last year that I didn’t share with the blog, and if I have just one resolution, it is to be more diligent with recording them. 










And there you have it.  Clicking on the picture should bring you to the page where I wrote about the quilt finishes. 

It doesn’t look as speccie as I hoped, mainly because very few of these are start to finish-finishes.  Mostly I just had to sew a few rows or blocks or applique a bit.  Still, a finish is a finish is a finish, right?  Nine new quilts, that’s good work (we shall not comment about the quilting and binding still to be done on them, will we?)

Each year I try and think of a word that will be my mantra for the year.  This year it’s a couple of words – more productivity, less procrastination.  I fear I may have to restrict my Ipad time – it surely is a work of the devil, that thing.

So that’s my first post for the year. Hopefully 2015 will be a productive one for me.  No grand statements though.

Thanks so much for your following this year, and all the lovely comments.  I’m sorry if I didn’t reply to you as I should, sometimes I don’t see them appearing on my reader and it’s only months later I realise someone has commented on a blog post I did ages ago.  I will try harder!

Hope your New Year’s is going well, and I will post soon!



  1. they are great words for the year, and yes I need to spend less time on technology, but then I wouldn't read so many blogs then would I? Have been keeping up with you for awhile now, keep up the productivity.

  2. Thanks, Jude! I have a game on the Ipad that I play, too many hours this year has been spent playing that silly game but do you think I can delete it? No chance.

    Thanks again for your comments.
