Things You'll Find

Saturday, 17 January 2015

Grand Illusion Mystery, another update

I've sewn a few more blocks together and laid them out on the display wall.  I still am not warming to it. 

I've been up and down and round about with this quilt.  I'm going to change it.  Now I'm leaving it the way it was designed - at least it will be finished.  Nope, I'm going to change it.  I seriously can't make my mind up.

I like the individual blocks.  I feel good about them.  They are pleasing to me.  And then I lay them out complete with the sashing, and it just deflates like a balloon.  I just don't like it.

So I took out all the sashings and left the cornerstones.  Immediately it's better.

Now my next dilemma is to decide a/what width to make the sashings, and b/what colour to make the sashings.  I'll have to buy more fabric, I don't have enough.  I guess I could do white homespun, I don't think that white looks awful, do you?

And then what to do with the 2037570 remaining green/white/black strips?  I've tried rearranging them into new blocks and they just don't work with anything.  I'm fairly sure I will have to unpick them, or make them for the back.  

All a dilemma really.  But I'm determined not to put it away with all the other UFO's because it's not going to magically turn into a project I will like six months down the track.  

Shall sleep on it, I think.



  1. Have you seen this setting?

    1. Hi Frances, thank you so much for the link. Her design is just lovely. My problem is that I don't have any more black to use and as I've used the same one through out I don't want to introduce another black. This quilt is really making my brain work, i tell you!

  2. Well, for me there is too much going on in that quilt. Totally agree that removing the checkerboard sashing is heaps better. I guess as you need to buy extra fabrics anyway, I think I would trial a softer shade of one of the colours in the quilt already. Kinda tame it a bit. I don't envy you your dilemma LOL

  3. Just had another thought. What does it look like without any sashing at all??

    1. Hi Dasha,

      I hope you saw my post with the 'no sashing' thing happening. I probalby won't do it that way, but thanks for the suggestion!

  4. White definitely does not look awful. I felt the same way about this quilt but I finished it like recommended and it is growing on me. Thankfully my daughter really likes it so it will be on her bead. What about using the checkered green as your border?

    1. Hi Lori,

      Thanks for your comments, I think I may use the greens for the back perhaps. I think there is less work in that than in unpicking all of them. I can't be bothered doing that!

  5. I was going to do this mystery quilt...but dawdled...and then when I saw the end result, I was glad I hadn't started it. It is so noisy! I like what you are doing to yours, though. Removing some of the blocks and using sashing calms it down quite a bit. Definitely an improvement!

    1. Thanks Yvonne, I think it's better (for me at least). I'll post a photo when I have finished it.
