Things You'll Find

Wednesday, 5 March 2014

Oh Hello!

Imagine my surprise this morning when I opened my facebook page and saw this:


screen cap

It’s my freebie, An Irish Blessing.  I was so thrilled to see this!

So if you’re over here from Victoriana Quilt Designs’ recommendation, welcome!  Here is the direct link to the Irish Blessing freebie, please take it and enjoy!

And please, join up for my mailing list by popping your email address in the Follow Me section on the right so you can be notified when I’ve posted.  I’ve a swag of patterns I designed from my time working in a quilt shop that I plan to share (when time permits!) 


Thanks again!


  1. Gorgeous! I have shared this with a non-blogging friend of mine. Thanks for posting it.

    1. Thankyou, Dasha! Please feel free to share it with whoever you like!

  2. Hello! :) I did find you and your pattern via Victoriana Quilt Designs on Facebook. I have pinned your page to Pinterest and signed up for your newsletter/emails. :) Some day I hope to be able to do this pattern, but even if I never can I can share it with others and simply admire the beautiful workmanship. Thank you for sharing and have a terrific day! :D ~Mippy/Sabrina in Utah, USA :)

  3. On your October 31, 2013,, post you showed quilts from a quilt show. One quilt in particular caught my eye, and I am trying to find the pattern for it. Here is the link to the pic.
    Any info that you could give me to aid in my search would be most appreciated! sewnsew852@gmailcom
