Things You'll Find

Tuesday, 18 March 2014

My Child

A little show and tell for you today.


This is a small framed picture we sold as a design for our shop.  I was a new mum and felt all maternal and lovely at the time, and this really reflects that.


It also reflects one of the last times I actually sat quietly and did a stitchery!


I do love this design.  I had a lot of interest in people wanting to buy the original but I knew I wanted to hold on to it.


Teeny tiny stitches.  I doubt I have the eyesight or the patience these days for that.






It still rings true today.

Hope you enjoyed that trip down memory lane! 

Happy quilting,


Thursday, 13 March 2014

Another Flimsy

I’ve been quiet lately on the blogging front but I have an excuse!

I’ve been quilting!


It’s a variation of the Slashed Square block – tutorial can be found over here at Patchery Menagerie.  I’ve made mine a variation of the original tutorial, my blocks are smaller and also I added the sashing. 


I might write up some instructions as to how I finished my quilt off if there is the interest – my quilting group seemed to like it.


The whole top only took me a long weekend – it is a remarkably quick quilt to make and I reckon the plains with the black work really, really well.


So there you go – that was how I spent my weekend!  Hope you like it!


Thursday, 6 March 2014

Tutorial Thursday

I’ve had a traumatic morning today with my two little ones.  It was school photo day, and the five year old was just not able to smile.  No amount of silly faces from Mum behind the (quite crabby, truth be told) photographer would help the situation and in the end she got so upset she started crying.


Big sigh.

We force our kids into stuff they don’t want to do and wonder why they cry.  I’ve got a whole cupboard of gorgeous, smiling photos from her, what’s the big deal with school photos?

Anyway.  Enough of that.  It was my longwinded way of saying because I’ve spent half my morning at the school with a fussy, upset child, I’ve nothing sewing-y to show you that I’ve made.  But I found the BEST tutorial for a split square type block.   If I link to it here, I won’t lose the bookmark in a sea of bookmarks for myself!  Killing two birds with one stone – you guys get to see a great tute, I get to save a great tute.  

So for my first :Tutorial Thursday

Please click over here at Squash House Quilts and see the very clever, yet very simple way she makes these perfect little units:


All put together look fabulous and a great way to get a nice, crisp block with no stuff ups!  I’ll definitely be making them later on.

Thanks for reading today!

Wednesday, 5 March 2014

Oh Hello!

Imagine my surprise this morning when I opened my facebook page and saw this:


screen cap

It’s my freebie, An Irish Blessing.  I was so thrilled to see this!

So if you’re over here from Victoriana Quilt Designs’ recommendation, welcome!  Here is the direct link to the Irish Blessing freebie, please take it and enjoy!

And please, join up for my mailing list by popping your email address in the Follow Me section on the right so you can be notified when I’ve posted.  I’ve a swag of patterns I designed from my time working in a quilt shop that I plan to share (when time permits!) 


Thanks again!