Things You'll Find

Tuesday, 25 February 2014

Ho Ho Ho

I know it’s not strictly Christmas, but I was methodically sewing labels onto the pile of wallhangings and quilts I have amassed and this one appeared.

Ho Ho Ho (2)

I love this little guy to death.  This is just a really quick little wallhanging, it only measures something like 12” wide but he was too cute not to stitch. 


I love his little carrot nose and pot belly.


I love the rich colours I used.  You don’t see many of these around at the moment.  But like all things, I am sure they will come back into fashion.  I call them Debbie Mumme colours.


Apart from one drunken evening when I was nineteen and in Switzerland, I’ve never made a snowman.  Apart from that drunken evening in Switzerland, I’ve actually never seen snow.  I’m guessing that real life snowmen don’t turn out quite as cute as this little man.

It’s funny how all the Christmas decorations and cards, the wrapping paper and trimmings are all ‘Northern Hemisphere’ – they all feature snow and eggnog and the like.  Here is Australia it’s normally stinking hot, and where I live most people work on their fruit right up to Christmas, have that one day off and then are straight back into the fruit again – picking, packing and cutting stone fruit is a way of life for many people that live near me. 

As time goes on you do see more ‘Southern Hemisphere’ stuff – Father Christmas (I’m fighting this ‘Santa’ stuff tooth and nail, but losing the battle) is often pictured on the beach in thongs.  But on the whole, I think most of us would love a real life White Christmas.  Whatever that is!

Happy Quilting!


  1. I'm with you Julie - never made a snowman, although I have seen lots of snow. I was a skier for many years, and you can't do that without snow! LOL. Your little snowman is a cute as can be. Can't stand the Australian penchant for koalas and kangaroos delivering presents, and Father Christmas on the beach!

  2. We didn't have a white Christmas here in Switzerland this year but that is the most adorable snowman! I'd love to make something like that. Just too freakin' cute! Thanks for sharing.
