Things You'll Find

Wednesday, 15 January 2014

How hot is hot?

Whilst I appreciate how cold the US has been, please spare us a thought in sunny South Australia.

Today’s temperature was 45 C (113 F).  Yesterday’s temperature was 44 C (111 F) and tomorrow, if you can believe it, will be 48 C (118 F).

We are used to a few days over 40 here, but 48?  I absolutely refuse.  I will not accept that.

We are lucky enough to have a pool, which has had a flogging these last few days.  The garden’s barely hanging in there, and I keep my chooks alive by showers from the hose every few hours.  They seem to be coping fine, even if they are annoyed at the showers.

So, when I’ve not been in the pool with the children, I’ve been in my sewing room.


I found a couple of jelly rolls at the back of the cupboard that take up way too much room and so when I saw this pattern here: Easy Jelly Roll pattern I thought I would try and fashion something a little like it.


It’s a funny jelly roll really, I do like all the colours together but some of the darker ones really seem to stand out.  It was one leftover from the shop days, and we didn’t sell it when we closed, so it’s sat there for years waiting for a use.  Today was the day.


It’s so quick to run up – it only took me a few hours to stitch them all together, but then in my usual clever way (working too fast, not thinking too much) I stitched a sashing to both sides of most of the blocks, only remembering later that they are only supposed to have one on one side. 


Took me no time at all to stitch the four rows, but gee whiz, did it take me an age to place them in a half decent way.  I find taking a photo works really well here to see the glaring issues.


This isn’t the final layout – I can see the glaringly obvious blue issues, so I’ve rearranged it a lot more.


It’s missing a middle white sashing and cornerstones, but I could at least see where I’d duplicated the fabrics – oh look, like that blue floral.


I adore, fall in love with, would get married to that blue circle print.  I wish I had more than just a jelly roll strip.


And so, when the children are safely tucked away in bed, I shall have another go at piecing some rows. 


It’s too hot to do anything concentratringish at the moment.  Sewing strips together is something I think I can manage.


So that’s today’s update.  Where ever you are, please keep safe – whether it’s from the stinking, horrible heat or the crazy cold.

I'm linking this up with Freshly Pieced Modern Quilts here for their WIP Wednesday.  

Till tomorrow,


  1. Ya se el calor que estais pasando alli en tu pais. Mi hija mayor vive en Australia y hablo con ella todos los dias, esta siendo un verano muy caluroso.
    Las telas son preciosas, y la combinación te esta quedando muy bien. No la cambies.
    Un beso desde Spain.

  2. I'm so glad we just got the front of the heatwave in Perth. It got to 44, but it was at least only over 2 days, and on the weekend, so it was easy to slob around being cool! :)

    I take photos of my layouts too because they seem to show the obvious oddities. I noticed it does that when you take a photo of a room, and you can pick out all the mess in the photo too haha!

  3. Suzie...Thank you SOSOSO much for telling me about my quilt block and its flipped section. Today will be spent ripping and fixing. Thank goodness you told me. I would have been so upset when I finally discovered it. Now you see what I am talking gray matter in that part of my brain. Your quilt is the kind I love and the colors of the jelly roll are so perky and pretty. Maybe I really do need to stick to the non-paper-piecing ones. Again, thanks for your help. Can’t wait to see your completed quilt. Enjoy your warm weather. We are to get snow again today.

  4. Hi everyone,

    Thanks so much for your comments.

    Genie, I'm so glad you didn't mind me telling you your block was not right. I'd hate you to make it all up and then find a mistake after you quilted it!

    Thanks again,

