Things You'll Find

Saturday, 19 October 2013

A Little Update

It seems once again I have been gone far too long from the blog.  It’s not something I want to happen and I apologise (again) that new content isn’t being uploaded as often as I like.

A combination of timing issues plus stupid dumb computers has made blogging very difficult.  But I have tried my hardest to resolve those issues so let’s hope today is the day where Everything Works As It Should.

Deep breath.

I’ve done lots of quilting since I’ve been on my little blogging holiday.  Lots of finishes, not too many starts (which is very good for me).


A few months ago I found the above block on a website and I loved it.  The above block is mine, but the original design is someone else’s.  It could well be a very old block with no copyright issues anymore, but let me know if you’ve seen one like it and I’d be happy to give them credit for it.

Anyway.  I loved the fact that this whole block was made from five inch squares.  I’ve got a box of five inch squares that really need to be used up, and this was a great start.  The original quilt idea of mine was to have all the blocks in totally random colours, but as it grew it kinda just morphed into this autumn-y version which I like very, very much.

So after I had finished the blocks, eighty one of them, I needed to sash them.


And then I just kept going on and on with a little black cornerstone in the middle, till I ended up with this:


and this:


and finally this:


which ended up being as big as this:


It’s a really nice design, I’ve decided.  Easy as pie to make, and if you’ve got any sort of scrap basket it’s very achievable.  If I decide that it’s a generic design from years ago with no copyright issues and no one to offend, I’d be happy to make a tutorial for it. 

So, that’s one of the things I’ve finished lately.  There are more, but I’ll save them for another day.

Hope you’re all safe and well, lovely readers.  Thanks for your patience while I disappear from time to time on here – I wish that someone would invent longer days, I really do.

Happy quilting,



  1. Amazing. So wonderful to see this huge impact of repeating one block!!!
    esthersipatchandquilt at yahoo dot com
    ipatchandquilt dot wordpress dot com

  2. thanks so much for your lovely comments, ladies. I was very pleased with how it turned out!

