Things You'll Find

Wednesday, 11 September 2013


That was a little bit longer of a break than I envisaged.

You know the drill – life gets in the way, I won’t bother explaining. It’s not very interesting.  But while I’ve not been blogging, I have been busy.  And whilst I’m being very productive, none of it seems particularly noteworthy or blogworthy.

But!  I. Have. Finished. Stuff!!!

Want to see?


It’s still a flimsy yet but as you all know by now, flimsies are good enough right now.


I’ve at least cut the binding – it’s a pretty old UFO and I think that I’d never match the fabrics up now.

075 (2)

I really did struggle with my choice of flower, but in the end I used the outer border as an influence.  I found a flower I really liked from the border, enlarged it and appliqued it on.

I look back at all my old quilts, the old UFO’s from so many years ago, and I really wonder what I was thinking.  I like this one, I do – but I have a limited amount of walls, and a limited amount of beds – so why did I make something totally out of my colour choice, in a size too small to be of any use?

Too much time on my hands back then, I think. 

So that’s show and tell for today.  I hope it won’t be another month before I post again, but then again I won’t make any rash promises.

I hope you’ve been happily quilting in my absence!



  1. I think its beautiful. I love row quilts and I love the fabrics in this one.

  2. Thanks, Kat.

    The fabrics were glorious - all embossed with gold and very 'jacobean' in their look.

    Thanks again

