Things You'll Find

Wednesday 6 February 2019

Slow Cars and Slow Computers

We are fully back into the school run swing now, and things are going along as they should.  Term one is traditionally the 'cram it all in' term around here.  I've had a million things to attend for both schools and to be honest, I'll be glad when the next two weeks are over.  They are full on, to be honest.  Lots to do, places to be!

I've not had time to sew - I've been the parent helper this week at swimming, which involves walking the class down to the pool, sitting for an hour, and walking back.  I don't really mind, it does my soul good to be around little people (though they are increasingly not so little) and it gets me walking twice a day.

The annoying part of my day is this:

Four times a day at least, from January until April (which knowing Australian road builders will be October.  Excuse my messy windshield please!

The other annoying part is this:

Twice a week, this time is much worse, I had to wait fifteen minutes here the other day with a very distressed child knowing she'd be late for ballet.  What can you do?  This one only goes till July.  Insert sarcastic eye roll.

Some brilliant bureaucrat decided to fix all the bridges in our area AT THE SAME TIME, with the one group of workers.  So they move from bridge to bridge while leaving the roadworks in place.  They started on the 4th January and who knows when they will be finished, working on a particular bridge as the mood takes them.

I know it's a job that needs to be done but everyone is very frustrated here right now.  It's right in vintage (which means grape harvesting trucks are everywhere) and they need to be at the wineries quickly.  

Never mind, deep breath and all.

This is my view when I am at the swimming pool.  Could be worse.

And this is how I spend my hour.  Making my socks.  Again, could be worse!

I hope we're all coping with the weather.  It's been hot and muggy here but really, it could be so much worse.  I keep thinking about my lovely friends in Townsville, they're really getting smashed with rain at the moment, so much rain I can't even imagine. Our yearly rainfall in an hour.  I'm thinking of you all, I really am.

Happy quilting!

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