Things You'll Find

Sunday 15 July 2018

choo choo

Time for a little colour, I think.

Despite the eleventy million projects I have on the go, sometimes I just want easy.  Sometimes things come to me and it seems too good to not do.

Photo 14-7-18, 9 24 45 pm

A little bit of applique, a little bit of homespun and you have the makings of a very cute toddler quilt.

Photo 14-7-18, 9 24 55 pm

I’ll have to stitch it yet of course, but I’m pretty fast at that part, I’ve found.  And I want easy right now.

Photo 15-7-18, 8 41 15 am

I’m trying to support a semi local small charity that helps children who leave their home with nothing for foster care, and I’m hoping I can make some of these that they’ll give to the kids.  I have so much, my kids have so much – I’m feeling the need to do more for other children at the moment.  Not game enough to actually foster real life children, not yet.  But maybe one day.

Hopefully happy quilts will do for a bit.

We are off on a Sunday drive today to a nearby town to visit the draining of a lock.  Don’t worry, I’ll take photos and explain tomorrow, I’m sure you all haven’t a clue what that means.  And then a spot of lunch for a birthday celebration at the region’s oldest hotel with a family connection, and then home again.  Lots of opportunity to take photos to share, as long as I don’t forget my camera!

Till then, see you soon!

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