Things You'll Find

Friday 29 June 2018

End of June–Where’s it gone?

It’s absolutely ridiculous that it’s the end of June already.  Bonkers.

There’s been a lot happening behind the scenes here in my little corner of the world.  Lots of little jobs being ticked off the list, which is immensely satisfying, I must admit.  It’s been a six month whirlwind, with much adjustment by me to try and make a ‘new normal’ – having a daughter in highschool and another in a primary school, and both of those schools being in different towns is certainly adding a whole new level of challenge to my daily routine. 

But we keep swimming, as Dory would say. 

I’ve decided that where possible, I am allowing myself an hour a day to sit and hand quilt.  It’s very good therapy for me, to force myself to sit and just ‘be’ for a little while and so, I have returned to this old thing:

Photo 28-6-18, 1 56 50 pm

Which sits in the corner of my living room so patiently, and has done so for years.  I’ve been catching up on my required viewing:

Photo 28-6-18, 1 56 59 pm

Season Five of Arrested Development, in case you didn’t know.   I’m currently in mourning that Westworld Series Two is finished and I needed to find something to replace it.  It’s okay.

It’s no Westworld, but it’s okay.

Just want to share with you another issue we have here in our little pocket of the world:

Photo 21-6-18, 7 45 23 am

Photo 21-6-18, 7 46 37 am

Yes, it is nearly zero degrees with zero visibility also!  We launched straight from Hot. Hot.  Hot. to Flipping Freezing with not much in between!  Not that I’m complaining about the weather, it just makes typing very difficult in my computer corner!

Hope you’re all doing well in this topsy turvy Looney Tunes world we are living in right now.  Very hard to focus on the positive, but I’m trying my best.

See you soon!

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