Things You'll Find

Tuesday 13 March 2018

It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas….

I know, I’m joking.

I have been systematically working through the pile of UFO’s and one by one I am crossing them off my list.

Years ago, I made one solitary little angel for my tree:

Photo 11-3-18, 5 59 37 pm

She turned out very well and in true Suzie fashion I decided I would make a dozen of them and give them out as gifts.

I put all the stuff together (and there was lots of little bits in this angel – reminded me of old shop days making kits for people).  And promptly put it all away.  Taking up room in my UFO cupboard.

So I took them OUT of that UFO cupboard, and over the last day or two I have finished them!  Took me only a few hours work here and there, and lots of glue sticks.

Photo 11-3-18, 5 59 03 pm

Photo 12-3-18, 2 46 27 pm

Photo 12-3-18, 2 46 36 pm

Photo 12-3-18, 2 46 45 pm

I now have thirteen little angels, all set for either Christmas gifts or perhaps to decorate our lovely tree (which for the past few years has been a real one).  But the bag of bits and pieces has all been put back into the right spot and I have crossed another job off from the list!

I also spent AGES sorting through bags of fabric in the spare room – I have a very well organised sewing room, all my fabrics are sorted into colours but as I use fabrics, I tend to chuck them in a bag and put that bag somewhere other than my sewing room.  I spent AGES undoing all those leftover fabrics and resorting them back into their colour boxes.  And once again I am reminded that I will never, ever use all my stuff.

But that’s a problem for another day.  Hope you are all fit and well, and keeping cool if you need to, and warm if that’s your thing too!



  1. Lovely little angels! I know all about UFO's....;-)

    1. Thankyou! I try so hard to do the UFO's, and then I fall off the wagon over and over!

  2. I really like your new decorative designs! it's so beautiful so much and good idea on site.

