Things You'll Find

Sunday 10 December 2017

two weeks to go

This is the contents of my handbag:

Photo 8-12-17, 9 17 11 am

Coincidentally, it is also the state of my brain.

But while I have all my balls in the air right now, I’m juggling very well and feeling on top of life.  Just don’t have time to sew, which is a real bugger.  But soon!

We do have a tree!

Photo 4-12-17, 7 56 58 am

So much kerfuffle this year in trying to get the stand to hold her up.  The one we had was handmade, and the trunk on this beauty wasn’t going to fit by hook or by crook.  Eventually, the very lovely people at the Christmas Farm gave us theirs to use, and she’s up and about.

Photo 6-12-17, 5 44 58 pm

With most of her gladrags on (there is room for so much more but the girls got bored and perhaps so did I).

Photo 10-12-17, 1 28 30 pm

And now with her bling and some lights.  All is well in the world, the tree is done!

I hope you are enjoying this time – I’m not sure if I can pop in before the New Year, so I might say my Merry Christmas’ now and with luck, I’ll be back as soon as I can in the New Year to document my very productive 2018. 

We shall see!

Love to all!


  1. I feel the same as you but feel like I am dropping the balls...... Tree looks lovely.... See you in the new year..... Have a great Christmas......

  2. I think perhaps in the new year we'll think 'we didn't need so many balls after all'...I'm trying so hard to reduce the number of's all a work in progress! Have a lovely xmas xx
