Things You'll Find

Saturday 14 October 2017

Some more show action

Before I went away, we slipped over to the next town’s annual show.  I showed you a picture of two, but I’ve found a whole heap more that I thought I’d share.

Photo 2-10-17, 11 21 59 am

Apparently they do wood chopping championships here!  I did not know that.

Photo 2-10-17, 11 22 01 am

These fellows were very, very good at not falling off from their little perch.

Photo 2-10-17, 11 29 05 am

Once again, I was thrilled to see the many, many varieties of chickens on show.

Photo 2-10-17, 11 30 30 am

This guy = have you ever seen such a smooshy chicken face?

Photo 2-10-17, 11 30 34 am

He’s obviously some sort of fancy schmancy rooster given the hoity toity look he was throwing me. 

Photo 2-10-17, 11 32 06 am

This guy was gorgeous.  We lost our silky bantam rooster this year – he was failing but I did think he was a very sweet guy.  I keep thinking I should get another one, but I haven’t yet. 

Photo 2-10-17, 11 35 01 am

My girls dubbed this one Albert.  As in Einstein.

Photo 2-10-17, 11 35 11 am

Suits him, I think.

Photo 2-10-17, 1 46 28 pm

Our region has a very large Orchid community and they always put on an excellent show.

Photo 2-10-17, 1 46 47 pm

Photo 2-10-17, 1 47 03 pm

Ooops.  Not an orchid.  But fairly impressive, nonetheless.  Can you imagine using this one as a cushion?  Oh goodness.

Photo 2-10-17, 1 47 18 pm

Photo 2-10-17, 1 47 22 pm

Rows and rows of orchids.  They were all very pretty but I’m never going to try growing them.  I haven’t the time or the green thumb.

Photo 2-10-17, 1 47 43 pm

Bonsai however, that would be something I’d love to get involved in.  I’ve always loved the bonsai look. 

Photo 2-10-17, 1 47 51 pm

My skill level here is worse than orchid growing, so perhaps it’ll be just another pipe dream.

Photo 2-10-17, 1 48 07 pm

Photo 2-10-17, 1 48 36 pm

Photo 2-10-17, 1 49 14 pm

Told you there were many orchids.

Photo 2-10-17, 1 49 30 pm

Photo 2-10-17, 1 49 54 pm

Jams.  Chutneys.  Sauces.  One day I’ll enter something.  I can actually DO chutney.  Jam, not so much.

Photo 2-10-17, 1 50 16 pm

And one final orchid photo to show you.  I’ve more show posts to share, but don’t want to overload you.

I have a child free house today, and after two weeks of school holidays I’m not really sure what to do with it.  I should be doing housework.  The girls had taken over my sewing room to do their craft and before I even try to sew I’m going to have to clean it up.

So I should get started, I think. 

Bye for now!

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