Things You'll Find

Thursday 21 September 2017

Anyone seen a missing blogger?

Sorry, lovely readers.

I think if you go back and look at my past years’ of posting, you’d probably find that I drop off the planet around September. 

September is a very busy month for me.  Lord knows why, it’s only September, for goodness’ sake.

It’s not been all hustle and bustle though.  In my quiet times (waiting in the car…waiting….waiting) I’ve managed to do some hexies. 

Photo 21-9-17, 8 49 10 am

You’ve not seen these ones before.  Some time ago, while cleaning out a cupboard at our quilting rooms, I found this lovely pouch donated by an older lady for a trading table. 

Photo 21-9-17, 8 48 34 am

Photo 21-9-17, 8 48 58 am

All hand stitched and hand quilted, and included a hand stitched zipper also!  Too cute for words.

I realised it looked vaguely familiar, and then I remembered a million years ago, I saved a tutorial from a lovely website Quiltsalott (click on the link to be taken directly to the tutorial).   Sadly the blogger doesn’t write anymore which is a shame, because she’s got some lovely stuff there.

Anyway.  Time to make myself one!

I finished piecing the hexies last night, and will hand quilt them in the next day or two.  All the fabrics are from scraps I’ve held on to over the years (don’t we all do that!).  I am slightly disappointed in a couple though.  See if you can tell which ones in this closeup:

Photo 21-9-17, 8 49 14 am

It is difficult to see, (and ignore the truly awful closeups of my stitching) but it’s the plains.  When I was stitching them they seemed to have a sheen to them, and were a tighter weave than others.  I really did think hard about including them, and I did.   I’m now firmly convinced they are some sort of poly blend, because they have puckered a little under the iron.  Not too much, but enough for me to realise I should trust my instincts when it comes to things like this.

Lesson learned. 

Apart from that, life is hurtling by for us.  Australia is currently going through the worst flu season ever (apparently) and everyone, including my husband is sick.  He’s not one to stay home and veg out on the couch so the fact that he’s been off work for three days and on the couch all that time makes me think that he didn’t have manflu after all, but a real bonefide cold..

I’m soldiering on though! 

Hope you’re all well.  Happy quilting!


  1. Nice to see you surfaced.... That's going to be a cute pouch........ Bugger you should have kept those ones put...... Hindsight.....
    Yes it's been a bad flu season for sure......
