Things You'll Find

Monday 31 July 2017

Museum Travels

We are still in the ‘cleaning up after school holidays mode’ at the moment, and so not much action has been seen in the sewing room.

We had a ‘stay cation’ this time for our holidays, and for the most part the holidays went quickly.  Australia only gets two weeks during school terms, our big seven week break is over summer.

Normally July holidays are freezing, however something has happened down here and we are in the middle of 25 degree days (in comparison to normally 15 degree days during most winters) so a lot of our time has been spent outside.

As most of you know, I live in country SA.  There are tiny towns that feed into bigger towns that feed into larger ‘cities’, which then flow into the Capital city, in our case Adelaide.  As the years go by some of these smaller towns end up dying a natural death – families move away to follow jobs and the small number of shops close, the bigger towns get a little bigger, and the smaller towns become nothing more than a spot on a map.

We decided to take our girls on a drive around these smaller towns (some of them, there are hundreds around here), ending up at a town my husband spent his first single male years at, Lameroo.

Lameroo had a big influence on him growing up – first big time away from Mum and Dad, football playing, girl chasing, all the things young lads like to reminisce about when they are older.

We found a local craft shop, and the lady behind the counter casually mentioned ‘the museum’.  Of course, my girls’ ears pricked up – they are not ones to knock back a museum visit!  I took lots of photos on my phone, they turned out alright, I think!

Annnnnd once again Livewriter won’t let me edit any text past the photos, so please enjoy them and I’ll see you another day!

Photo 17-7-17, 2 25 11 pmPhoto 17-7-17, 2 25 18 pmPhoto 17-7-17, 2 26 14 pmPhoto 17-7-17, 2 26 17 pmPhoto 17-7-17, 2 27 24 pmPhoto 17-7-17, 2 27 51 pmPhoto 17-7-17, 2 30 14 pm

Photo 17-7-17, 2 30 20 pmPhoto 17-7-17, 2 30 34 pmPhoto 17-7-17, 2 31 42 pmPhoto 17-7-17, 2 31 57 pmPhoto 17-7-17, 2 32 33 pmPhoto 17-7-17, 2 32 53 pmPhoto 17-7-17, 2 33 16 pmPhoto 17-7-17, 2 33 19 pmPhoto 17-7-17, 2 33 22 pmPhoto 17-7-17, 2 33 37 pmPhoto 17-7-17, 2 34 01 pmPhoto 17-7-17, 2 34 06 pmPhoto 17-7-17, 2 35 01 pmPhoto 17-7-17, 2 35 27 pmPhoto 17-7-17, 2 35 36 pmPhoto 17-7-17, 2 35 53 pmPhoto 17-7-17, 2 36 00 pmPhoto 17-7-17, 2 36 22 pmPhoto 17-7-17, 2 36 48 pm

1 comment:

  1. Great photos, and lots of things I remember from when I was much younger, thankyou.
