Things You'll Find

Thursday 13 July 2017

Autumn Days

Strictly speaking, it’s Winter here in South Australia but I think someone forgot to tell Mother Nature.

Whilst the mornings have been flipping freezing and frosty (say that quickly three times) the lack of any rain means our days are bright and sunny.  All the flowers are out.  The roses are still going.  I have raspberries still!

There’s still quite a lot going on in my garden too.

Rain would be truly excellent, but at least I have pretty flowers!



Sadly, being school holidays there isn’t much sewing to speak of, but we’ve been out enjoying the lovely town I live in. 

Photo 4-6-17, 3 49 35 pmPhoto 4-6-17, 3 54 42 pmPhoto 4-6-17, 3 55 36 pm (1)

I took a tonne more but I’ll load them up another day for you.  Wouldn’t want you getting too jealous!

Hope you’re having a lovely quilty day!