Things You'll Find

Thursday 23 February 2017

A Catch Up

Hi lovely readers, sorry I’ve been a little absent.  I suspect that Thursdays seem to be my day of blog catch ups.

I’ve had little time to sew, but I have been spending much time knitting.  Sadly the knitting is very boring to show you on a blog, so I will spare you that.  I thought I’d show you what’s on the go around the house lately if you like.


I finished my lovely row by row, and it was too nice to fold up and put it in the cupboard, so I have it draped over my lounge chair.


I love the cosiness of a crocheted blanket.  It’s way too hot to use it yet but I will when it cools down, I can assure you!



I’m still slowly plugging along at my hand quilting though to be honest, I rarely find time to do it.  It’s that old ‘you can’t sit down in the daytime’ problem I spoke of before.



And my hexie project is slowly working its way along.  I flew to Melbourne with my husband (child free) on the weekend and I’m not at all a comfortable flier, so I was determined to do something rather than panic about plane crashes look out the window the whole time.  I’ve not stitched in a plane since they ramped up the security processes, so I was pleasantly surprised that no one cared, and I got quite a bit done.  In fact, I ran out of hexies mid way through and had to buy a book for the return flight home.

So that’s all I have to show you right now.  I’ve got a few quilts ready to be photographed and once I get that done, I’ll have a lot of new stuff to show you!

Hope your days are quilty ones!


  1. Marvelous progress on all your projects! I am always so impressed with your hand quilting.

  2. Your row-by-row is gorgeous - bet you are looking forward to cooler temperatures in more ways than one! I love your hexie project too - sounds like a good distraction. I suffer from that 'cant sit down during the day' thing too (although to sit down at my machine is ok!!)
