Things You'll Find

Monday 17 October 2016


You’ve no idea what a month of weather we have had, both in October and previously in September.  Spring traditionally is a bit of a mixed bag, but this past month and a half have been off the charts.  Yesterday was 14 degrees, the day before the girls were ready for the swimming pool.  Mental.

Last night it rained (again) and when I woke up this morning, the sun was shining and everything was clean and clear and crisp, so I took some photos I thought I’d share.

You’ve seen my garden before, but have another look around:


After a dodgy, slow start, the roses are amazing.  They are all enormous this year.  Like roses on steriods.  It must be the weird weather, they weren’t pruned any differently than last year and they are twice the size.


Forgive the aged hand there (and I do actually have a thumb, it’s hiding) but I wanted to show you the size compared to the dinner plate sized rose next to it.










Gorgeous.  It’s our Rose Festival this week so they are coming out just in time.  Clever things.


We (my husband) cleaned up the strawberry patch last year and we barely got a strawberry from the bushes.  They were under threat of removal this year for a new lot, and I think that scared them.  Now we just have to keep the lizards and the birds away from them. 


Why is it the thing you need the smallest amount of is the thing that flourishes in the garden?  We eat so little parsley.  Look at it all!  I give it to the chooks but even they are sick of it.


I’ve always been able to grow silverbeet – this year’s crop was a bit sad but it’s starting to come good now.  This is another thing for the chickens – I love silverbeet but sadly I am the only one in our family.




If you lived in my town right now, all you would be able to smell would be orange blossom.  It’s overpowering and overwhelming and gorgeous but my goodness, does it play havoc with my hayfever!  I’ve been feeling particularly crabby lately and I’m sure it’s from the hayfever!  It smells like someone has dumped a big bottle of citrus oil outside. 




My beautiful apple blossom.  Have yet to get a good apple from this tree but I’m hopeful for it this year!  Look at those lovely blossoms






The grapes are thriving.  I just stand at the vine when they are ripe and eat.  They don’t even make it inside.


My almond tree is doing very well this year also.  Everything is blooming, growing.  It’s such a wonderful time of year.








And this year’s award for spectacular floral arrangement goes to our bottlebrushes.  They are amazing right now.  They are amazing every year.  Love them to pieces.


A little pink flower I’ve not seen before in our garden.  Must be something new my husband planted.  He’s forever adding new stuff.


And this is the front garden.

It’s just got away from us like you wouldn’t believe.  I’m about to go out there now and pull some weeds, though I suspect I’ll never be finished.  I’d much rather be quilting, to be honest.

And there’s my gorgeous spring garden for you.  It never fails to please me. 

Tomorrow, some quilting photos!


  1. your garden is looking wonderful and just as the time of year comes here for things to start dying off. I still have some roses but they won't last for much longer - maybe 4 weeks? We have had a rose or two at Christmas time though if the fall weather will be warmer than usual.

  2. Hi Karen, thanks for replying. We have a small window of wonderful before the summer turns up and cooks everything to a frazzle, so I'm thoroughly enjoying it at the moment!

  3. So jealous! We're just closing down the garden for the year. We've picked the last of the beets (beetroot to you), and all the peppers and green tomatoes. Greetings from Maryland, USA.

    1. Ohh don't be jealous - when it's 45C here, I'll be just as jealous back!

  4. Lovely photos, spring has certainly been very "here one minute and gone the next" this year. I must get out in the garden with the camera before summer comes.
