Things You'll Find

Friday 26 August 2016

An old UFO on a cold day

I finally had a window of time to sew today, and it was lovely.  I had spent my morning at the school for their Book Week parade.  My youngest daughter was determined for a full twelve months to go as 'Joy' from the movie Inside Out, and against all my better judgement I decided to buy her costume this year (it was nearly impossible to make a blue wig - for those who don't know who Joy is, this is a picture of her):

Anyway, long story short - at the last minute, despite me spending big dollars on a costume, she changed her mind and went as a Hockeyroo (the Australian National Hockey Team).  $3 teeshirt from BigW and a hockey stick and she was done.

Neither of my girls won a prize - some kids had done a wonderful job and obviously have much more inventive parents than me.

So after that, and because I'd done all my housework earlier in the week, I was able to sew guilt free.

When I learned the fantastic new technique last weekend of turned edge applique, I knew there were lots of UFO's I'd started that would really benefit from it.  So I dug one out and here it is:

Ages ago I was infatuated with the Tentmakers Of Cairo and their amazing designs, and I had drawn up and started a small square in that vein.  In true typical Suzie style, it got too hard and I put it away.  I couldn't turn the shapes as neatly as I wanted to.  Knowing this new technique, I dug out the project and had a jolly good go at it today and I'm pleased to say it's now basted (glued) in place ready to be stitched.


I'm not nearly the world's best machine appliquer, but I'm going to have a go on this project the way we were taught at the class, and hopefully practice will make perfect.

And so with fingers crossed and breath held, I may have a little time this weekend to have a stitch.  We shall see!

Hope you all have a quilty weekend!  Stay tuned to see if I get this finished!

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