Things You'll Find

Wednesday 25 May 2016

alphabuddies two

What do you do when you have too many blocks left over from one quilt? 

You make another!


I didn’t have enough blocks to make a whole ‘nother quilt like the one in the last post, and to be honest, who wants to make the same quilt twice?  But I did need to use these random panel blocks up and I knew once they went into the cupboard, they would most likely sit there for another ten years before I did anything with them.

So while I had the mess all out, I struck while the iron was hot (literally!  Hah!) and made another one.

I’m even less invested in this quilt than the last one, and I am quite prepared to actually finish this one and donate it way.  It should be giving someone small some pleasure, rather than sitting in a cupboard for years and years, don’t you agree?

In country news, it’s RAINING.  I literally cannot remember the last time it rained.  Needless to say, it is sorely needed and it’s been softly raining ALL DAY which is just blissful.  And it’s cool and crisp and wet, and perfect, perfect weather!  I won’t complain about the washing I forgot to take in.  It’s worth redoing a bunch of washing if we get some rain!


  1. Marvelous, a rainy day to quilt! Some child will be very grateful to have such a cute quilt.

  2. Hi Carole - thank you for your comments. We ended up having 30 mls, which is over an inch. Perfectly timed rain for the grain farmers so everyone has a skip in their step now!

  3. Gorgeous colors. Am I the only person who looks and says "oh - I have/had some of that fabric"? And my results never looked as cheerful as this. Good work.
