Things You'll Find

Wednesday 30 March 2016

Scrap Basket

Hello lovely readers.

It's been a long time.  No apologies except to say that the wheels fell off my wagon a little this last month.  I hope I've fixed that wagon up now.

A few posts ago I showed you some scrap baskets I'd been making.  Remember this basket block?

I played around with them and made various designs out of them, and finally settled on this:

This quilt went together surprisingly well, but barely made a dent in the scrap pile.  I have so many scraps.

And there you go.  Another flimsy for the flimsy file.  Say that five times quickly.

In other news, things have been plodding along smoothly enough.  I've been rather toxic health wise, and really crabby.  I had a head cold from hell, followed by the International Quilting Day, and then to round off my month I caught some horrid virus that knocked me clean off my feet for a few days.  I rarely get sick (shouldn't even say those words - I'm liable to jinx myself) but I've noticed when I do, I go down hard.  

So a week of slowness, and lovely family letting me sleep, and I'm feeling much better.  It's a cliche, but it's not until you're ill that you truly appreciate good health!

Hope you've been all been stitching up a storm in my absence,

See you soon!


  1. Precioso trabajo. Me encanta.
    Un beso

  2. Love your layout for the scrappy baskets. Doesn't ill health colour your life? Hope you get back on top of things soon.
