Things You'll Find

Thursday 10 March 2016


Hi everyone,

I've been crabby this week.  Figured it was just best to stay away from online life for a bit.

I have a head cold (nothing awful, just enough to make me irritable), it's been so hot and humid that you'd be forgiven for thinking we live in Darwin, and life isn't rolling along as easy as it could be.  Nothing major, just more troublesome than usual.

And then to top it all off, one of my very favourite singers died this morning.

I'm sure most of my o/s readers haven't heard of Jon English, but I loved him - saw him twice in concert and walked down the aisle to one of his songs.  I'm immensely sad that he's gone.  And I'm really sad that so many of the people I grew up listening to are dying - maybe it's just a sign of my age, I don't know.  But David Bowie, Glenn Frey, Alan Rickman - too many.  Far too many.  Enough now.

Anyway.  Warned you I was crabby.

I've been scrap sewing the last few days and have managed to make quite a few baskets.  I'm not real sure how I shall finish these off, I can't be bothered sashing them or putting them on point.  I'll play around with a few settings and see how it looks.

Apart from the odd square to finish up numbers, I have't had to cut anything for this quilt.  Mostly it was bonus triangles.  I'm not one to keep them, but I think I might from now on.

How are you going?  Is life treating you okay?  

Hope you're cheerier than me right now!  

I'll be better tomorrow.

1 comment:

  1. Everyone is allowed a little crabbiness from time to time... I hear what you say about our stars dying... so sad. Love your scrappy little baskets!! HOpe it cools off and your head cold disappears soon.
