Things You'll Find

Friday 5 February 2016

Scrap Jewel Box - Show and Tell

Hi lovely readers,

It's been a big week.  School's back, and with it all the chaos/organisation that it requires.  I don't mind - the girls have been very bored over the last few weeks and it's so tempting just to let them play their screens as much as they want (which in the case of the eldest is All. The. Time.  It's nice to have them back into a routine, as much as it's nice for me to ease my way back into a routine.

I managed to both acquire a head cold for the best part of this week, and also kill my email on my laptop.  It's very possible that one caused the other.  I don't work well with a head full of cotton wool.  The days are numbered for my little laptop, I fear.  It's a shame, I wish I was more techy and could fix things myself but I was never very good at technology and the older I get the worse it becomes!  

I do have my other trusty laptop, which to this day my girls have never used.  It's nice to have one unblemished thing!

I've been sewing a little bit, mostly the log cabin blocks.  Of course I miscalculated the blocks, as I said I would and so I have to make a few more, but with any luck by the end of the weekend I should have it together.  It's so enormous, I hope I haven't made a mistake making it so big.  We'll see, I guess.

So in the absence of nothing new to show you, here is another one of my flimsies:  It's a totally scrappy Jewel Box.  Lovely, simple block that works with whatever fabric you use.  I have so many scraps, I shall never run out of needing new designs to use them up.

This is a nice one.  I'd obviously aimed for darker fabrics more than lighter.  I can't remember if that was a choice of mine or happy coincidence, but it looks lovely in the end!

Hope your weekend is a quilty one!  See you soon!



  1. Stunning quilt. Very much my choice of colours. Love it. Hhope you are on the mend soon.

  2. Replies
    1. Hi Carole, thankyou for that. I'll be fine, it's just a head cold but it's dragging on!!

  3. Love this quilt, great use of scraps!

    1. Thanks, Jude! I was happy with it. I can see some slight errors now that I have it photographed but I'm not fixing it now!

  4. Jewel box is one of my favorites for scrappy quilts and yours is absolutely lovely!!
