Things You'll Find

Tuesday 12 January 2016


I honestly don't know how people can have finished two of these Allietare quilts.  I mean, when do they get the time?  I've seen post after post of quilts that are quilted and bound already.  

Mine is slowly coming along.  I'm finding the cutting out of the little side triangles in black the most challenging.  I keep cutting them the wrong way, so that they don't fit right.  It's mindblowingly annoying.

I've been using the tools Bonnie recommends and I'm really pleased with how my finished blocks are working out.  I've never been the most accurate of quilters but I think this time it's coming together really well.  

So far so good.

It's amazingly hot again today and I've decided that Summer sucks.  The girls are having fun in the river with their grandmother, which is great because a/they are not bored around the house and b/ I'm at home alone for a couple of hours.  Which is really rather nice.

I shall go and stitch a little bit more until the kids come home.  Have a lovely day!


  1. You are doing wonderfully, those blocks look great.

  2. Thanks, Carole! I am quietly pleased with both the colour choices and my accuracy. The trick for me is (duh, only took me 45 years to work it out) not rushing. Who'd have thought?
