Things You'll Find

Thursday 24 December 2015

Merry Christmas to all!

I'm on a facebook group called Quilting (funny that....) and it's currently going mental over a lovely quilted candlemat/wreath design.

I wasn't going to sew one, I wasn't sure how much I liked them but over and over again they appeared, all in different colour ranges and all really lovely when done in the red, green and cream.

So of course I made one.  I must stress I didn't have a pattern, I just sort of nutted it out with some pictures.  And I'm really pleased with it!

I don't have a candle big enough to do the centre justice, but this little one looks rather pretty with the way it throws those radiating lines.

If you would like to make your own, the original designer is Poorhouse Quilt Designs and it is called the Fold'n'Stitch wreath.

On that note, I would like to wish all my lovely readers a very Merry Christmas.  I'm not sure when I can pop back in (sure as heck won't be before Christmas because that's tomorrow here!!!) but hopefully I can slide back into blogging once all the food is cooked and the visitors have gone home!  I'm really keen to start the Quiltville mystery quilt if I can find enough fabric (ha!) and I'd like to do the annual tallyup of all the UFO's I have currently got happening.  Seems to be my tradition at Christmas time.

Have a lovely, safe, happy Christmas!



  1. Love the wreath, hope you have a merry christmas and stay cool and safe.

    1. A belated 'Thanks!', Jude! Hope yours was lovely.

  2. It's beautiful! Ik wish you have a merry christmas too!

    1. Thankyou, Sjoukje! I love you blog! Am now a follower!
