Things You'll Find

Thursday 16 July 2015

I’m back!

How many posts do I start with those words?

I have a good excuse this time.  We took our little family right up to the top of Australia and visited Darwin and the Top End over the school holidays.  I’ve never been to Darwin.  I flew over it once when I was nineteen but that’s all.  When we were invited to go to a wedding there last weekend, we jumped at the chance to take the children on a family holiday.

I have a million photos I could show you but I suspect it might be boring for you, so here’s a select few for now:










Of course there is the mandatory crocodile photo.  I didn’t see as many crocs in the wild as I would have thought, which is fine with me because even though I didn’t see them, they lurk under the water and that’s where the danger is.  Quite the stealth hunter, the croc.

By far the highlight of our trip was a day or two in Kakadu National Park which I’m sure you’ve heard of.  We didn’t have nearly enough time to do all I wanted to do – it was hot and the kids are still little, so we couldn’t drag them out for too long.  It’s just so big and open and gorgeous, and WARM.  We are struggling trying to reacclimatise to freezing temps here now.

Darwin itself is a very happening place, but I suspect I’m about twenty years too old to fully appreciate it – it’s filled with backpackers having a wow of a time and sadly, those days are over for me!  It’s definitely the outback I want to see more of, and I can highly recommend it.

I was sad to say goodbye to the Northern Territory but I will be back!  I’ll research a little more this time and we’ll definitely be back!

As for quilting (hah!).  Haven’t stitched a stitch in at least two weeks.  Bit of a joke really.  The kids go back to school on Tuesday so hopefully I can show you at least something by then!

Talk soon!


  1. Wow, great photos! I'd be afraid of seeing crocodiles, especially one that big! I love getting out in nature, hiking and just clearing the mind. Thanks for taking your readers along.

  2. Thanks so much Carole. There are signs everywhere in case you forget but I sure wouldn't be going in the water. They seem so placid and sleepy and then they lunge and you're done for :)

  3. Lovely photos Carole. I am always intrigued by those balancing rocks. How on earth do they not topple over?
