Things You'll Find

Thursday 4 June 2015

Update on the sick old me

So my first daughter has had a really nasty cold, which she has given to me.  I’m sick of being sick, you guys.  I know it’s the time of year but seriously – twice in two months is doing me in!

But no whinging from me today (apart from that small one).  I have managed to fit some sewing in and have got motoring along with these blocks:


I made a whole lot of them, and then realised that despite saying I didn’t need to press them last post, I really did.  And that made them all a little distorted, try as I might, so I had to then trim them all down.  But it was worth the effort (it always is worth the effort) and I am much happier with them.


I’ve made all my blocks up but just pinned a few onto the board for pinup purposes.  It’s a much darker quilt than I originally thought it would be.  But it’s going to be quilted and popped on my spare bed, so this one will definitely be used and abused.  So dark is probably better than light!

I also had a go at Quiltville’s spools designed for leaders and enders.  I’m no good at that, I think I’ve told you that before.  I end up just sewing the whole quilt in one go rather than using them for their original purpose.  But they have intrigued me and so I had a go.


Hideously horrible photo that one.  I’ll take a better one on the proper camera.

Do you find your ipad takes horrendous photos or is it just me?

Anyway, we have a long weekend and visitors this week so I may not be back for a while (what’s new??) but I hope all is well in your neck of the woods.



  1. Hope you feel better soon. My iPad takes better pictures than my iPhone, but neither compare to my camera, especially if I need to zoom in. I love your quilt in progress ... and I'm wild about your spool blocks!

    1. Hi Kathy, thanks for that :)

      I'm still learning what my camera can do, and I hope one day to do some classes. You know - when I have time. Ha!

  2. You blocks are looking wonderful. Hope you kick that cold soon...

    1. Thanks, Billie - I'm hopeful it's on the way out now!
