Things You'll Find

Thursday 9 April 2015

Sewing? What is that? Who does that? Who has time?

I wish the rollercoaster would slow down!

I keep saying to myself ‘when I have a clear week I shall do this!’ or ‘when things slow down I shall do that!’ and of course, it never happens.  I think I need to resign myself to the fact that I am now living a busy, busy life and it’s messy and unorganised and I’m messy and unorganised and no amount of trying harder will change it!

So I’m trying to get into a ‘go with the flow’ mentality.  I’ll let you know how I go with that. Wish me luck.

I had a really lovely Easter.  We didn’t go away (it’s a thing here in Australia that you go camping over Easter).  We live in a really pretty camping region, so half of the country seems to set up camp here.  I don’t love camping too close to neighbours, so we tend to do the ‘staycation’ or the ‘glamping from home’ thing here.

But we did get out on the river.  My husband has recently purchased himself a new boat – what we call a dinghy, or a ‘tinny’ if you’re a bloke.  It’s nothing flash – there are some very flash speedboats around here but we’ve just gone low key.  It’s fast though, and we took the girls out for a ride on Sunday. 

It was an amazingly glorious day weather-wise.  We had sunblock all over.  The very next day it was 13 degrees and raining.  Weather in Australia is mental.

We have a resident paddlesteamer.  The paddlesteamers were the only means of transport back before roads and cars, and this one has been restored and now goes out on joyrides on weekends.  On this day it was listing badly to one side as all the tourists were on the other side taking photos of the riverbank.

Our river is big and wide, and I adore it.  I never want to live anywhere else.  I saw a thousand black swans, white swans, pelicans – all sorts of birdlife but the navigator (my husband) kept saying ‘We’ll go back for photos in a minute’ and of course, we never did. 

Throughout the river, there are many creeks.  The creeks are where you go for the fish and the yabbies.  They are full of what we locals call snags (the branches and older trees that have died and fallen underwater) and the fish love to live in their little nooks and crannies.  Of course it makes life interesting, boating through there.  And the local boys go as fast as they can through it.  As young boys will do.

Such amazing trees.  These are river red gums, and this one is a baby.

I tried to be techy (and can I just put it out there that it has taken me ALL morning!) and I have uploaded my video of our jaunt through the creek system.  Please watch and enjoy.

And then, you can watch how the silly young men do it. They are so clever.  I'd be scared silly.  

Hopefully I will be able to sew today.  So hopefully some quilty photos to show you.
